Sponsorship & Membership Program

Sponsorship & Membership Program

The Sponsorship and Membership Program aims to establish a structured avenue for organizations interested in requesting Missouri Technology Corporation be a member or sponsor an event. Through increasing MTC’s membership in organizations that share similar goals and supporting events that promote innovation and entrepreneurship, with significant economic benefits for Missouri, MTC strives to catalyze innovation and enhance entrepreneurial capabilities throughout the state.


  • Applications must have a strong economic development impact on the state of Missouri and its innovation and entrepreneurial communities.
  • Sponsorships:
    • Applicants must provide a list of sponsorship levels each clearly outlining the corresponding value associated with it.
    • The conference or event must not have already received funding from MTC. For example, if an event has already been funded by MOBEC, it is not eligible to apply for additional sponsorship.
  • Memberships:
    • Applicants are required to furnish a comprehensive list of membership levels, each with a distinct value clearly outlined for every level.

Funding Requests
The Sponsorship and Membership Program allows for a maximum funding request of $10,000. Typically, MTC sponsorships and memberships fall within the range of $1,000 to $2,500. Although $10,000 is the limit, requests exceeding this amount may be considered under specific circumstances, such as having a very strong alignment with the MTC’s mission, and the strategies and recommendations identified in the Catalyzing Innovation Report.

Evaluation Criteria
To evaluate each sponsorship or membership request, MTC utilizes a set of criteria and priorities, which are listed below.

  • Is the event, program, or organization aligned with MTC’s Catalyzing Innovation Report? Will it reinforce MTC’s values, mission statement, and commitment to entrepreneurship in Missouri?
  • Does the event, program, or organization enhance MTC’s brand awareness?
  • Does the event, program, or organization highlight MTC’s services to a relevant target audience?
  • Will sponsorship or membership enhance MTCs reputation?
  • Will the sponsorship or membership provide an added value or benefit to MTC stakeholders?
  • Can MTC fulfill the sponsorship obligation? (monetary, time, resources, staff)
  • Is there an opportunity for MTC staff/representative involvement?
  • How many other sponsors/companies will be involved? (a comprehensive list of both pending and confirmed sponsors or members should be included in the application)
  • What is the goal/mission of the event, program, or organization and does it have a regional connection?
  • MTC budget availability
  • Accordance with applicable law

Ineligible sponsorship and membership requests (including but not limited to the following examples):

  • Requests that benefit an individual person or family
  • Door prizes, raffles, or gifts
  • Political candidates, political organizations, or lobbying efforts

Application Submission Requirements
Applications are accepted on a continuous basis throughout the year and are promptly evaluated upon submission. To facilitate a timely review of applications and ensure prompt payment prior to the event, MTC recommends submitting an application at least three months before the funding is needed. It is imperative that all essential components of the application are included when submitting it to MTC.

Please take note of the timing of your event in relation to MTC’s fiscal year, which spans from July 1 to June 30. It is important to submit applications in a timely manner, as the availability of funding may not be guaranteed.

Recipient Reporting Requirements
Event sponsorship recipients are required to submit a post-event report within 30 days after the event. This report should include a summary of the event, details about the attendees’ demographics, and an overview of the event’s impact.


Contact for Questions

Please email Jenni Rabenau.